Custom Annotation To Handle Authorisation In Spring Boot

Ashrith g.n
2 min readMay 24, 2019



  • Creating custom annotation
  • Creating component in spring boot
  • Creation a configuration and middle ware in spring boot
  • Basic of Aspect and usage in spring boot

What is Aspect In Spring Boot ?

Aspects are cross cutting concerns like logging,security in different layers for the ease of code maintenance.

Key Dependency required

  • Spring AOP provides basic AOP Capabilities.
  • AspectJ provides a complete AOP framework.

STEP 1 : Lets create an annotation

@Target(ElementType.METHOD) // can use in method only.
public @interface Authorized {
public boolean enabled() default true;}

@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) : instruct compiler to retain the annotation during runtime
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) : this suggest where this annotation can be used

  • Step 2 : Lets Create a file which actually implement logic of authorisation
public class AuthorizationImpl {

public boolean authorize(String token) {
// implemnt jwt or any any token based authorization logic
return true;
  • Step 3 Aspect file which acts as middle ware which intercept the the request and authorise and proceed
public class AuthAspect {
AuthorizationImpl authBean;

@Before("@annotation(com.<packagepath>.Authorized) && args(request,..)")
public void before(HttpServletRequest request){
if (!(request instanceof HttpServletRequest)) {
new RuntimeException("request should be HttpServletRequesttype");

"session information which cann be acces in controller"
}else {
throw new RuntimeException("auth error..!!!");


  • Step 3 : Usage of the annotation to authorize the request
@RequestMapping(path = "/activities-to-jobs",
headers = {"Authorization"})
public class XxxxController {
@RequestMapping(path = "/{id}/note", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public opDTO getSomeResult(HttpServletRequest request,....){


Originally Published @

Custom Annotation To Handle Authorisation In Micronaut AOP Tutorial (



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