Spring Boot’s Awesome Tutorials Compilation
When i started my spring boot for every project’s new requirement i used spend ample time to research read blogs and come up with better way of doing it, so these compiled list has,have,is helping me daily to solve one or few problem also helping me to refer few concept which i generally use so instead of search it in pile of code,So this list was in `txt` document before compiling.and one of my friend saw the list and asked me to publish these link to medium,so it would benefit small number people who is getting started with spring boot, or its Eco System.
1.How to write Native query and easily map to POJO or DTO class with using spring boot data starter.
There are tons and tons of post which ads lot of unwanted code, or use annotation but this tutorial will ease the pain of writing and over configuring the code,just by adding small snippet code.
2.How to Configure Multiple Database or Data Source in Spring Boot.
As a developer we would need to have multiple db connection in our spring App and we have tried lot blog post and wasted time, so in situation like that this will blog post will actually help
3.How to do Authorisation in spring using annotation & Use case of Spring AOP & Authorisation with Annotation without using Spring security
So time where we don’t want to use spring boot’s Security due to complex auth flow, or you need quick to guide intercept http request in spring boot, this article will explain how to use annotation to intercept the request so that can be used for Authorisation.
4.Upload And download file Using RestController (REST API) Using spring boot
There will be times when we need to upload and down file using api, so this article will explain the dependency needed and what headers to use and how to send the request and response.
And the extension of the tutorial to upload the file to AWS S3
5. Implementing Jwt token based Authorisation without having to deal with Spring security
so you can customise the token logic for refresh or different claims for different API, flexibility is in your hands.
and the above tutorial we have used springsandwich library as request interceptor the detailed information about the library with example of logging the information of api requests (Rest Api Logging)
6. Scheduling Task in Spring boot
Simple example of using spring Scheduler or getting started with tutorial.
7. Enable CORS in spring boot APis/Disable CORS error
Usually During development when we trying to communicate form front end the resource sharing problem occurs from browser, so using this tutorial you achieve this.
8. Writing Pub/Sub using Kafka or writing publisher or consuming messages from Kafka Spring boot
9. Standardising the response of REST API in spring boot.
If in case Any one using Google App engine or Google Data store for there application you can follow these tutorials below
Other Tutorials can be found here: