What is Amazon Cognito ? And Java Example
1 min readMay 24, 2019
Amazon Cognito is fully managed authentication service provider,where application users can sign in / sign Up through social identity providers such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, and through enterprise identity providers such as Microsoft Active Directory
As Micro service based Application are highly used, where we can use Amazon cognito as our login service readily instead of re-inventing the wheel,
This link has the basic feature of the Aws cognito Implementation where it can be used in any Java Project * AWS Cognito Factory Method Repo Link *
Basic Usage
- Step 1 : Add As Maven Repository
- Add a Repository in pom.xml
- Add into Dependency list
JitPack will check out the code and build it. So you’ll end up downloading the jar.
- Step 2: Create an instance By calling a Constructor
- Step 3: Use method like RegisterUser,userLogin,authorize